You have to sign up to be able to borrow at our libraries. The subscription starts immediatly and last a full year.




20 documents + 5 DVDs

For 4 weeks

5 reservations

2 extensions per document

+ Digital offer


Children from Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fourqueux Under 18 Free Access to self-training (homework help, Universalis junior, office automation, languages, multimedia, driving test)
Young people from Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fourqueux Aged 18 to 25 16,50 € Access to all digital resources
Adults from Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fourqueux 34 € Access to all digital resources
Seniors from Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fourqueux Over 65 years old 27,50 € Access to all digital resources
Jobseekers from Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fourqueux Free Access to all digital resources
Outside Saint-Germain-en-Laye / Fourqueux Less than 18 years old 22,50 € Access to self-training (homework help, Universalis, office automation, languages, multimedia, driving test)
Outside Saint-Germain-en-Laye / Fourqueux Adults 44 € Access to all digital resources  


      • To sign up, you must present :

        - an Identity Document (Children under 18 who do not have an ID, the presentation of the family record book is accepted)
        - proof of entitlement to reduced rates or free admission
        - a parental authorisation form signed by the parents for children under 18


  • Subscribing to the libraries implies acceptance of their rules.
  • For a re-subscription, you must present :
    - the old card, or an identity document if the card has been lost
    - proof of entitlement to reduced or free fares

The pass+ are accepted for young people aged 11 to 18. They must be registred to the name of the Médiathèques de Saint-Germain-en-Laye and presented on paper.


You can borrow and return documents in the library of your choice : they are part of the same network.
For the loans and returns in the libraries, you carry out your operations in complete autonomy on self-service terminals.
When the libraries are closed, you can return your documents in a box outside each library.


When a document is borrowed, you can reserve it with a librarian or via your account.
When it is returned, you will be informed by email and it will be put aside for you for 8 days in the library of your choice.


If you have not been able to finish a document (CD, book, magazine, comic book) before the initial deadline, you can extend it with a librarian or via your account (within the limit of two extensions).
Please note that you will not be able to extend DVDs, new releases and documents reserved by another patron.


In case of documents overdue, reminders are sent to you, to encourage you to extend the loan.
If you are more than three weeks late, your borrowing privileges will be suspended on your card for one week when the documents are returned.

App Ma Bibli

By downloading the app, you will have an easy access to your account, your current loans and even the barcode of your card. You can search for titles in the catalog and make reservations directly from home !

→ For Android :

→ For iOS :